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21. Verena Spanier – Harry Potters Owl Hedwig by Verena Spanier

To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload in few seconds to see the progress of the votes. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
22. Cake from Sugarella Sweets by Liliana da Silva

To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload in few seconds to see the progress of the votes. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
This is not fair because you cannot just scroll through all the cakes at one time.
Sorry, to hear that Julie. But, we have it like that because images may load too slow especially that we are hosting the images in a free host server.