Hold your breath because you are going to see all the Breathtaking Cakes In The World. 😀
Find your most favorite but before that, please help us in choosing the Breathtaking Cake In The World by voting or liking your most favorite cakes. 🙂
In this competition, the champion and ten (10) runner ups shall receive their certificates. Vote to your most favorite cakes now! If you are a cake decorator, we encourage you to join as well. 🙂
How to vote? Just click the LIKE Button, 1 Like is equivalent to 1 Vote. Please give honor and appreciation to the cake decorators or bakers who continuously inspire us to design more cakes and make our every celebration wonderful. 😀
Please take note that cake images are arranged in no particular order, they are in random. If you think you don’t like to JOIN or want your cake to be removed from the competition, just let us know by contacting us through our email [email protected].
If you like to participate in this friendly competition, please send your entry to our email with a subject “Breathtaking Cake In The World“. Don’t forget to indicate the name of your cake and your business or link to your FB page if you have. To convince someone to like your cake, much better if you write something about it, maybe 1 sentence or more. Submission of entries will be up to Feb. 27, 2019 UTC-5 only.
Please participate on the contest to give honor to these cake decorators.
Very Simple Contest Guidelines:
The cake image which has the highest number of FB likes will be declared as the winner. The like button is below the cake image (sometimes it loads slow, pls consider. 🙂 )
The contest is until Friday (Mar. 1, 2019) UTC-5 @ 11:59PM. We will inform the cake decorator of the winning entry right away.
The winner will be posted in our FB page and in our Wall of Fame; and shall receive a Certificate. Post in our wall of fame may contain the image of the cake, name of the cake and its decorator and other special information which the cake decorator would like to add.
Have fun and inspire others! 😀
Click the numbers below the advertisement to see the other amazing cake entries! Good Luck everyone! 🙂
1. Winnie The Pooh by Zaharah Zainal Abidin of Kelas Baking Online By Zaharah Sweet Insanity

To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload the page if you can't see the LIKE button. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
2. Wine Bottle Cake by Poornima Pramod of Cake Creationz

To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload the page if you can't see the LIKE button. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
3. Vegetable Garden Theme Cake by Munni Bonna of Passion for Cake by Munni

To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload the page if you can't see the LIKE button. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
4. Unicorn Cake by Omnia Salah of Cake A Wish – Sydney

To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload the page if you can't see the LIKE button. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
Very nice n creative…
Unbelievable and outstanding work. Never seen before.
AMAzing work by Neelam the Home bake studio love d puppy ? Cake
Unbelievable and outstanding work. What a Idea Vegetable Garden Theme Cake by Munni Bonna of Passion for Cake by Munni
This cake is the most breathtaking cake I ever saw!So very beautiful!I love it!
vegetable garden theme cake is a marvelous work done by serial number 3 post name munne bonna…Very little little subject like- carrot, tomato, cabbage, cauli flower, brinjal has been made so live that it gives a real look…Moreover the pond over which floating flower and wooden fencing gives a look of farm house…Really great work??..I wish her a bright success in baking….
“Love love and cherish life. Also, just eat the cake.” Amazing design; What a Idea Vegetable Garden Theme Cake by Munni Bonna of Passion for Cake by Munni
For goodness sake, just look at this cake Vegetable Garden Theme Cake by Munni Bonna of Passion for Cake by Munni Love it