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19. Cake by Sugar-Pie

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20. Cake by Hot Mama’s Cakes

To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload in few seconds to see the progress of the votes. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
So many super talented cake artists! I’m not sure if its too late, but I have submitted an entry of my own via Email. I never knew about this site, and I luv it! Its really fun.
Keep on cakin’. ????
Kitty/Kittys Cafe Bakery
Beautiful the Alice in wonderland the best.
It has been So exciting to be a part of this competition! I came in at the last day and a half, and it has been such an honor to know how supportive everyone has been..a very specialthank you to everyone who voted for me, it means so very much that you believe in me. And thank you Amazing Cakes…It has truely been an Amazing day and a half of Cake Fun, and pins and needles anticipation!!!! ???????????? Kitty
Beautiful cake from Kitty’s Cafe. I love the color contrast as well as the easily recognizable Cheshire Cat. I hope this cake wins.