Vote: World’s Top-Notch Cake Specialist

Vote: World's Top-Notch Cake Specialist


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61. Cake by La Mora Pasteles y Decoraciones
Cake by La Mora Pasteles y Decoraciones
Cake by La Mora Pasteles y Decoraciones
Total Votes: 1
To VOTE, click the BUTTON below.
62. Cake by Dulces Creaciones
Cake by Dulces Creaciones
Cake by Dulces Creaciones
Total Votes: 3
To VOTE, click the BUTTON below.
63. Cake by Pasteles y Gelatinas Itzi
Cake by Pasteles y Gelatinas Itzi
Cake by Pasteles y Gelatinas Itzi
Total Votes: 3
To VOTE, click the BUTTON below.
64. Cake by Pasteles Sabor Catracho
Cake by Pasteles Sabor Catracho
Cake by Pasteles Sabor Catracho
Total Votes: 1
To VOTE, click the BUTTON below.


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