Competition: Highly Recommended Cake Designer In The World

Competition: Highly Recommended Cake Designer In The World


Vote now by clicking the VOTE button below the image! If you like to JOIN, send your cake image to [email protected]. If you like your cake to be removed as well, please email us asap. Thanks.
Click the NUMBERS below the last advertisement to go to the next page. For the latest updates, go to our Facebook page: Amazing Cake Ideas USA HQ or IG: @amazingcakeideas4u.
19. Fallout Video Game Themed Cake by LetThemEatCake
Fallout Video Game Themed Cake by LetThemEatCake
Fallout Video Game Themed Cake by LetThemEatCake
To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload in few seconds to see the progress of the votes. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
20. Cake by The Wow Factor Cakes
Cake by The Wow Factor Cakes
Cake by The Wow Factor Cakes
To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload in few seconds to see the progress of the votes. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.


  1. I vited for No 1 Toni’s Cake Bakes. This young mother of three is self taught and has churned out the most amazing creations! She deserves this award as every task given to her is a major success and unique! She surprises us everytime with her talent and wish her much success for the future….

  2. Hose cake #19 !
    Flavia has some of the most creative and optimistic thinking when making her creations! She basically makes your “Dream Cake” come alive !
    She made my cousins wedding cake , and it was nice and moist !

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