Vote: World’s Award-Winning Cake Specialist

Vote: World's Award-Winning Cake Specialist


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25. Cake by Sara Little Cake Art
Cake by Sara Little Cake Art
Cake by Sara Little Cake Art

“This spring cake features palette knife flower decorations, and a Great Tit sugar bird made of fondant. The beautiful bird was hand sculpted and painted by me using petal dust. The wings are made of wafer paper, also hand painted using petal dust. The entire cake,  including bird, is 100% edible. ” ~ Sara Little

Total Votes: 477
To VOTE, click the BUTTON below.
26. Cake by Leyana Sugar Studio
Cake by Leyana Sugar Studio
Cake by Leyana Sugar Studio
Total Votes: 10
To VOTE, click the BUTTON below.
27. Cake by CarliBakes
Cake by Carli Bakes
Cake by CarliBakes
Total Votes: 12
To VOTE, click the BUTTON below.
28. Cake by Mo Fluffy Bakes
Cake by Mo Fluffy Bakes
Cake by Mo Fluffy Bakes
Total Votes: 10
To VOTE, click the BUTTON below.


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