15+ Extraordinary Cakes That Will Really Surprise You

15+ Extraordinary Cakes That Will Really Surprise You


22. Cake by Makeala Stevens-May of Mrs Calorific

Cake by Makeala Stevens-May of Mrs Calorific
Cake by Makeala Stevens-May of Mrs Calorific
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23. Cake by Izabela McCabe of Izzy’s cake

Cake by Izabela McCabe of Izzy's cake
Cake by Izabela McCabe of Izzy’s cake


  1. Kristin Ilagan Reyes’ Cakes of Sofia’s Sweets looks extra ordinary and the artwork shows passion and sensitivity to the personality of the celabrant.

  2. Cake no.16 by krstn Ilagan Reyes … great design very unique … great Job????????????????????????Keep up the Good work !

  3. Cake no. 16 by krstn IlaganReyes … great design very unique… great job????????????????????????Keep up the good work!

  4. Amazing Cake #16 by Krstn Ilgn Rys of Sofia Sweets! Definitely extraordinary and was made with love and passion.

  5. Fabulous cake!colours are vibrant and great attention to detail design.#16 Sophia’s sweets

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