The 25 Most Favorite Cakes

The 25 Most Favorite Cakes


The 25 Most Favorite Cakes
The 25 Most Favorite Cakes
To all cake decorators, it’s been a great privilege of having your amazing cakes in our site. No words can ever tell how happy we are. šŸ™‚
Today, we are featuring to you our 25 Most Favorite Cakes (images are arranged in no particular order). We hope you pick up your favorite cakes too by participatingĀ the simple contest that we have. These contest is to give honor to the cake decorators who continuously inspire us to invent more cakes. šŸ˜€
Again, we would like to thank all of you who continuously sharing your amazing cake images.Ā If you like to share something, our email addressĀ [email protected]Ā is very much open to receive your inquiries and high resolution images of your cakes, just don’t forget to put the names of the cakes and your full name and business name, okay? Thanks in advance.
The friendly competition ended already.
Winner: CheAnne Poblete-Cortez of Jacelicious BakeshopĀ 
Very Simple ContestĀ Guidelines:
  1. The cake image which has the highest number of FB likes will be declared as the winner. The like button is below the cake image.Ā 
  2. The contestĀ is until Sunday (June 12, 2016). We will inform the cake decorator of the winning entry right away.
  3. The winner will be posted in our FB page and in our Winners’ Section of our site. Post mayĀ contain the image of the cake, name of the cakeĀ and its decoratorĀ and other special informationĀ which the cake decoratorĀ would like to add.
Have fun and inspire others! šŸ˜€
Excited to see the cake images? Click the numbers below the advertisement to begin seeing ourĀ 25 Most Favorite Cakes! šŸ˜€


  1. Just want to clear, your post is june 5, 2016 but the deadline for the contest is May 25, 2016?

  2. Hi! Just want to clear, your post is dates June 5,2016 but the deadline for the contest is May 12, 2016?

  3. No. 2 cake was my Nanay’s 50th birthday cake designed and created by my cousin, Lalaine Demillo! She really makes amazing cakes! Congratulations

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