Search For The Most Fantastic Cake

Search For The Most Fantastic Cake


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34. Ruffles And Roses Cake by Veronica Joy E. Mendoza of Veronica Cakes & Cupcakes

Ruffles And Roses Cake by Veronica Joy E. Mendoza of Veronica Cakes & Cupcakes
Ruffles And Roses Cake by Veronica Joy E. Mendoza of Veronica Cakes & Cupcakes
“This cake was my most favorite of all my cakes because this is my first 4 tier cake that I’ve made. It took me  four days to finished this, from baking to decorating. Back pain, headache, muscle pain but it all worth it. Seeing my labour of love was really worth all the pain. Through my cakes I made someone happy.” – Veronica Joy E. Mendoza
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  1. Mrs. E Bowes is that you Tita Lena? thanks for the support as always. and to all those who voted for our FANTASY THEMED CAKE (#38) by Bakersduo thanks you so much. Thanks also to Amazing cakes ideas for this opportunity. God Bless

  2. Thank you for all those who voted for our cake creation FANTASY THEMED CAKE of Bakersduo #hmpcreation much appreciated 🙂

  3. Well done Denise! The fact that this was only your second hand painted cake you’ve ever done is amazing! And it was delicious!! x

  4. I hope you win because you deserve it with the “fantabulous” and sumptuous cakes you created. Looking at them makes you hesitant to distort (by slicing a piece) the whole artistic creation and just want to stare at and preserve it forever!!

  5. My Beatrix potter cake has come second to an amazing and well deserved winner , congratulations hazel punsalam, I love your cake ????

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