20 Super Artistic Cakes

20 Super Artistic Cakes


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22. Adventure Time by Ruel Santos of Cake X

Adventure Time by Ruel Santos of Cake X
Adventure Time by Ruel Santos of Cake X

23. Cake by Maryam Shafiq

Cake by Maryam Shafiq
Cake by Maryam Shafiq

24. Cake by Linda Verstappen

Cake by Linda Verstappen
Cake by Linda Verstappen
Which are your favorites? Let us hear from you by writing your answer in the comment box below. Thanks 🙂
By the way, if you like to share your cakes, our email address [email protected] is very much open to receive the high resolution images of your cakes. If you sent two or more cake images, we usually pick at least one but of course, we will feature the other amazing cakes in our next posts. This is to accommodate other cake images sent by other cake decorators as well. Don’t feel bad, okay? In every cake image that you sent, please don’t forget to put the name of it. Please indicate your name and cake business name (if you have). Thanks a lot.


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