Search For The Best Cake Of The Month: A Friendly Competition

Search For The Best Cake Of The Month: A Friendly Competition


64. Me 2 You Bear Cake by Rachel’s Enchanting Cakes of Rachel’s Enchanting Cakes

Me 2 You Bear Cake by Rachel's Enchanting Cakes of Rachel's Enchanting Cakes
Me 2 You Bear Cake by Rachel’s Enchanting Cakes
Total Likes:
support this cake by clicking the like button below (pls wait for the button to load)
Did you like all your favorite cakes already? Please support your co-cake decorators or bakers by liking their cakes. By just doing it, it means a lot to them and you are inspiring them a lot more! 😀
Again, if you like to participate in this friendly competition, please send your entry to our email [email protected] with a subject “Best Cake Entry“. Don’t forget to indicate the name of the cake and your business or FB page name. To convince someone to like your cake, much better if you write something about it, maybe 1 sentence or more. Submission of entries will be up to June 28, 2016 UTC-5 only. 🙂


  1. #62 simple details but a good looking one and seems not to be eaten but for keeps. HAHAHA 🙂

  2. Entry No.58 you can’t like as there no option and I don’t understand how some have 100s of likes but cakes that are much better only have a few people need to share there cakes and ask for likes as the others have clearly done that to get that many likes heads up people share your own creations and get people to like it for you!!

    • Hello Mutya, we found some glitches with FB Likes. FB just updated their API. The numbers 530+ you see consists of shares and likes. Right now, you only see the LIKE counts. We are very sorry for confusing you all.

    • Hello Mutya, we found some glitches with FB Likes. FB just updated their API. The numbers 530+ you see consists of shares and likes. Right now, you only see the LIKE counts. We are very sorry for confusing you all.

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