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54. Pretty Cake by Lisa and Mel of Mel’lisa’s Cake Boutique

“Hi there this is one of our cakes we made and one we are very proud of and would love to share it with you guys and your page. Our FB page is called Mel’lisa’s Cake Boutique as my name is Lisa and my partner is Mel so we thought Mellisa was an appropriate name .” – Lisa and Mel
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Nice cakes specially the R2D2…needs art and patience to do it…
You’re right dominicrystal. Kudos to Sheila O. Go. 😀
The 55th entry Hybrid cake is something. It takes blueprints to build and plan that cake. One wiring mistake can ruin the whole cake. The design and plan are well executed. I am amazed that a woman does it! Thumbs up!
Thanks for that Bradson. 🙂 Sheh Sunico will be so happy. 😀
No. 55 hybrid cake it was so amazing…
Thanks for that, Sarah. Kudos to the Hybrid Cake! 😀