The Coolest Cake Designs In The Planet!

The Coolest Cake Designs In The Planet!


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7. Cute Cake by Michel Lou Tan Chu

Cute Cake by Michel Lou Tan Chu
Cute Cake by Michel Lou Tan Chu

8. A Baby TV Themed Cake by Magic of Cake

A Baby TV Themed Cake (Yaya, Maya, Eggbird & Popiz Characters) by Magic of Cake
A Baby TV Themed Cake (Yaya, Maya, Eggbird & Popiz Characters) by Magic of Cake

9. Cake by Marzena Anna Romanik -Cwik YummCake With Fantasy

Cake by Marzena Anna Romanik -Cwik YummCake With Fantasy
Cake by Marzena Anna Romanik -Cwik YummCake With Fantasy


  1. My favourite is number 41 by nanny babs novelty cakes.
    Love little monty.. excellent talent x

  2. Amazing! Wish I had this talent, some people think these kind of cakes are pricey – but how can argue with paying good money for something like that! Gorgeous cake, really something special 🙂

  3. Monty by Nannys Novelty Cakes. Looks so cute and bet he tasted delicious if anyone had courage to cut it.

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