Competition: World’s Number 1 Modern Cake Artist

Competition: World's Number 1 Modern Cake Artist


Vote now by clicking the VOTE button below the image! If you like to JOIN, send your cake image to [email protected]. If you like your cake to be removed as well, please email us asap. Thanks.
Click the NUMBERS below the last advertisement to go to the next page. For the latest updates, go to our Facebook page: Amazing Cake Ideas USA HQ or IG: @amazingcakeideas4u.
37. Cake by Gracia Rondina
Cake by Gracia Rondina
Cake by Gracia Rondina
To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload in few seconds to see the progress of the votes. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
38. Cheeseburger Cake by Kristin Dahlberg
Cheeseburger Cake by Kristin Dahlberg
Cheeseburger Cake by Kristin Dahlberg
To VOTE, click the LIKE button below ONCE ONLY, when you see the CHECK, it means you have voted. Reload in few seconds to see the progress of the votes. Please be patient on waiting for the LIKE button.
Did you click the LIKE button on all your favorite cakes? Please support your co-cake decorators or bakers by liking or voting their cakes. By just doing it, it means a lot to them and you are inspiring them a lot more! 😀
Again, if you like to participate in this friendly competition, please send your entry to our email with a subject “World’s Number 1 Modern Cake Artist“. Don’t forget to indicate the name of the cake and your business or FB page name if you have. To convince someone to like your cake, much better if you write something about it, maybe 1 sentence or more. Submission of entries will be up to Sept. 21, 2017 UTC-5 only.


  1. The Ice bucket cake!!!! I am Muslim but it made wanna pop some halaal bubbles yo!! Mad creativity right there! How did she get the ice cubes to look so real???? Hoooow???

  2. Omg how did she make that ice bucket I mean how oh how…. This is a piece of art, this one I would not allow anyone to eat….mad respect…

  3. Ice bucket cake for me!!!!! It looks so real, I was worried about the ice melting ????????????????????. That’s a win for me

  4. THE ICE BUCKET CAKE is the best of the best..I LOVE THE CREATIVITY..crossing my fingers for u hashComment:

  5. The detail in the #36 is just amazing….talk about the ice,the freaking wine clothe!the wine Bottle itself!OMG!pure genius! I’d keep this in my fridge forever…..dare anyone touches it…awesome piece of talent…this one,I salute!AHEM!

  6. Cake no 36,is just in another level,Like HOW dis she manage to bake that.gifted hands they are.

  7. Hashnunish is the baker of bakers…. That ice bucket cake is the real and the hottest deal.

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